


  1. 1. MAC Layer 攻击–port-security
    1. CAM表溢出攻击 (mac flood-未知单播泛洪攻击)
    2. MAC欺骗攻击(Spoofing MAC Address )
    3. 基于MAC的流量过滤
  2. 2. Vlan 安全
    1. 1. Vlan hopping攻击
    2. 2. PVLANs
    3. 3. Protected port 端口保护
  3. 3. spoofing 欺骗攻击
    1. 1. DHCP spoofing
    2. 2. ARP欺骗攻击
  4. 4. 设备发现攻击
  5. 5.port-security
  6. 6.traffic Storm-Control (traffic suppression)

1. MAC Layer 攻击–port-security

CAM表溢出攻击 (mac flood-未知单播泛洪攻击)

Unknow Unicast Flooding 定义:对于不知道目的的单播包(目标mac没有和任何接口对应的mac相关联),SW会向所有端口泛洪。




  1. 有人恶意大量发送未知单播帧,交换机会向所有端口泛洪,造成网络拥塞;
  2. 假设交换机接了N个主机,一台主机B连接断开,A有到B的arp缓存,所以还会照样给B发送数据,但是交换机已经失去了B的记录,此时此帧会成为未知单播帧,可以在配置了 Port-security 的端口上设置阻止单播帧。

在接口下启用 switchport block unicast


MAC欺骗攻击(Spoofing MAC Address )

MAC 欺骗攻击,伪造MAC,让交换机把数据发过来。


启用 port-security:

config-if)#switchport port-security maximum 2

1,所有接口默认都是关闭port security
3,默认violation 是shutdown


  • 一个接口的mac地址数超过maximum

  • 如果一个 vlan中两个接口mac相同,也会violation

(如果两端口A,B设定了sticky,一台设备在A上使用过,则A记录下 mac-port 对应关系,一直保存,如果设备接到B端口会发生violation)

violation 三种动作

  • shutdown

  • restrict(限制,约束) 丢掉违规数据包,并告警发送SNMP trap(新设备无法接入)

  • protect 丢包不警告,不发送SNMP trap (新设备无法接入)

protect—Drops packets with unknown source addresses until you remove a sufficient number of secure MAC addresses to drop below the maximum value.

restrict—Drops packets with unknown source addresses until you remove a sufficient number of secure MAC addresses to drop below the maximum value and causes the SecurityViolation counter to increment.

shutdown—Puts the interface into the error-disabled state immediately and sends an SNMP trap notification.



2,手动指定:switch port-security mac-address 1.1.1,最好先关闭端口再添加。

3,Sticky:switch port-security mac-address sticky,自动学习 mac 并保存


(config-if)#mac-address 1.1.1


1.先关闭port-security ,再关闭接口,再启用接口


Switch(config)# errdisable recovery cause psecure-violation 
Switch(config)# errdisable recovery intervel 10


SW#**show port-security interface f1/0/3**                        
Port Security       : Disabled                        
Port Status        : Secure-down                      
Violation Mode       : Shutdown                        
Aging Time         : 0 mins                        
Aging Type         : Absolute                        
SecureStatic Address Aging : Disabled                        
Maximum MAC Addresses   : 1                           
Total MAC Addresses    : 0                           
Configured MAC Addresses  : 0                           
Sticky MAC Addresses    : 0                           
Last Source Address:Vlan  : 0000.0000.0000:0                    
Security Violation Count  : 0


对 vlan 1 中某 MAC 发的包进行丢弃。3550 以上交换机支持:

mac address-table static 0001/7b80.7b11 vlan 1 drop

2. Vlan 安全

1. Vlan hopping攻击


  1. 攻击者和SW间建立Trunk,可以获得所有Trunk中的信息;


  1. PC发送双层802.1Q 双层报头帧,外层所属vlan帧,内侧攻击目标Vlan


解决办法:因为主机和SW之间默认是动态协商(DTP),所以将端口设为access即可解决Vlan Hopping攻击



Private VLAN分两种大类型:主Vlan和次Vlan,次Vlan又分两种。

  • Primary VLAN:一个隔离vlan有且仅有一个Primary vlan,Private vlan中的所有接口都属于Primary vlan

  • Secondary VLAN:

    • Isolated VLan:一个Private vlan只有一个隔离VLAN,其数据只能通向混杂端口

    • Community Vlan:一个Private Vlan中可以有多个Community vlan,一个community vlan最多只能有8个 user network interfaces (UNIs) and enhanced network interfaces (ENIs)

两个Secondary VLAN之间不能互访。

Primary Vlan和Secondary VLAN之间能互访。

Community Vlan(社团 vlan) 之内的 PC 可以相互访问 Isolated VLAN(隔离VLAN)内部PC间不能互访。


  • 混杂端口:属于primary vlan,可以和任何端口通信

  • 隔离端口:属于Isolated vlan,数据发向混杂和Trunk

  • Community:属于community vlan

默认只有混杂端口才能管理交换机(连同Primary vlan的SVI口)
int vlan 20
private-vlan mapping 501,502
ip routing
secondary vlan也能访问SVI





switch(config)#vlan 20
switch(config-vlan)#private-vlan primary

!将vlan 20设为主vlan
switch(config-vlan)#vlan 501
switch(config-vlan)#private-vlan isolated

!将vlan 501 设为隔离vlan
switch(config-vlan)#vlan 502
switch(config-vlan)#private-vlan communicty

!将vlan 502设为团体vlan

switch(config-vlan)#vlan 20
switch(config-vlan)#private-vlan association 501,502

!将连个secondary vlan 501 和 502 关联到主vlan 20下


switch(config)#int f1/1
switch(config-if)#switchport mode private-vlan promiscuous
switch(config-if)#switchp private-vlan **mapping 20 501-502**
!Trunk 口,设为混杂端口,关联vlan 20, 501和502

switch(config)#int range f1/2 - 4
switch(config-if)#switch mode private-vlan host
switch(config-if)#swit private-vlan **host-associate 20 501**
!将2-4口关联到隔离vlan 501 上,主vlan 为20

switch(config)#int range f1/5 - 8
switch(config-if)#switch mode private-vlan host
switch(config-if)#swit private-vlan **host-associate 20 502**
!将5-8口关联到社团vlan 502 上,主vlan 为20
IOU2-SW# show vlan private-vlan
Primary Secondary Type       Ports
------- --------- ----------------- ------------------------------------------
20   501    community  Et0/1, Et0/2
20   502    isolated  Et0/1, Et0/3

IOU2-SW# show int e0/1 switchport
Name: Et0/1
Switchport: Enabled
Administrative Mode: private-vlan promiscuous
Operational Mode: private-vlan promiscuous
Administrative Trunking Encapsulation: negotiate
Operational Trunking Encapsulation: native
Negotiation of Trunking: Off
Access Mode VLAN: 1 (default)
Trunking Native Mode VLAN: 1 (default)
Administrative Native VLAN tagging: enabled
Voice VLAN: none
Administrative private-vlan host-association: none
Administrative private-vlan mapping: 20 (VLAN0020) 501 (VLAN0501) 502 (VLAN0502)
Administrative private-vlan trunk native VLAN: none
Administrative private-vlan trunk Native VLAN tagging: enabled
Administrative private-vlan trunk encapsulation: dot1q
Administrative private-vlan trunk normal VLANs: none
Administrative private-vlan trunk associations: none
Administrative private-vlan trunk mappings: none
Operational private-vlan: none
Trunking VLANs Enabled: ALL
Pruning VLANs Enabled: 2-1001
Capture Mode Disabled
Capture VLANs Allowed: ALL
Appliance trust: none

3. Protected port 端口保护


switch(config)#int f1/0/1
switch(config-if)#switchport protected

3. spoofing 欺骗攻击

1. DHCP spoofing



解决方案:dhcp snooping

ip dhcp snooping
!全局启用DHCP Snooping
ip dhcp snooping vlan 11-200
!对11-200启用DHCP snooping 功能
//启用之后,所有涉及接口都是dhcp client

int f0/0
ip dhcp snooping limit rate 100
!对DHCP 请求包速率限制每秒100个,如果超过shutdown

ip dhcp snooping trust

DHCP-R(config)# ip dhcp relay information trust-all
! DHCP 路由器上设置

show ip dhcp binding
IOU2-SW#**show ip dhcp snooping binding**
MacAddress     IpAddress    Lease(sec) Type      VLAN Interface
------------------ --------------- ---------- ------------- ---- --------------------
CC:03:15:16:00:00   86325    dhcp-snooping  1   Ethernet0/3
CC:02:15:06:00:00   86323    dhcp-snooping  1   Ethernet0/2

int f0/1/0
ip vertify source port-security
!开启ip source guard,需要开启dhcp snooping,开启后此端口会生成一条ACL,默认允许DHCP通过,主机能获得地址,交换机也会将IP信息做记录,之后除此IP的所有流量都会丢弃。

可以看出, IP Source Guard 和 DHCP snooping 的配合使用,可以防止一个主机使用其它主机的 IP 地址来攻击网络,因为只有 DHCP 获得的地址能够被交换机转发,其它接口即使配置了相同 IP,都会被 IP Source Guard 拒绝放行。

2. ARP欺骗攻击


免费ARP,无故ARP,检测 IP 地址冲突。更新自己的 IP,源是自己的 IP 和 mac:

*Mar  1 00:11:03.851: DHCPD: IP address change on interface Ethernet0/0
*Mar  1 00:11:03.867: IP ARP: sent req src cc03.1516.0000,
                 dst cc01.14eb.0000 Ethernet0/0
*Mar  1 00:11:03.871: IP ARP: sent rep src cc03.1516.0000,
                 dst ffff.ffff.ffff Ethernet0/0
*Mar  1 00:11:03.899: IP ARP: rcvd rep src cc02.1506.0000, dst Ethernet0/0
*Mar  1 00:11:03.899: %IP-4-DUPADDR: Duplicate address on Ethernet0/0, sourced by cc02.1506.0000


*Mar  1 00:12:23.467: IP ARP: Gratuitous ARP throttled.
*Mar  1 00:12:23.467: IP ARP: added to arp_defense_Q
*Mar  1 00:12:23.559: IP ARP: removed from arp_defense_Q
*Mar  1 00:12:23.559: IP ARP: sent rep src cc03.1516.0000,
                 dst cc03.1516.0000 Ethernet0/0
*Mar  1 00:12:23.575: IP ARP: rcvd rep src cc02.1506.0000, dst Ethernet0/0

1. 手动绑定ARP

Router(config)# arp aaaa.aaaa.aaaa arpa
PC: arp -s xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx

2. DHCP 环境下动态arp inspection

前提是有DHCP映射,所以需要开启ip dhcp snooping


Text Box: ip dhcp snooping ip arp inspection vlan 2 int f1/0/1 ip arp inspection trust

在valn2 中检查arp包,检查arp映射是不是对。如果查到伪装的就丢弃

默认接口会有ip arp inspection limit rate 15 的设置,如果此接口arp包数过多则会关闭接口

ip arp inspection limit rate xx 修改此端口每秒允许的包数


int g0/0
ip arp inspection trust

3. 静态设置ARP-IP映射,再开启arp inspection


sw(config)# arp access-list bl
sw(config-arp-nacl)# permit ip host sender-ip  mac host sender-mac [log]
sw(config-arp-nacl)# exit
(config)# ip arp inspection filter arp-acl-name vlan 2 [static]
int f1/0/1
no ip arp inspection trust
! swA与swB相连的接口设为unstrust
!dhcp 方式不会获取到别的交换机的mac-ip映射,但手工指定则每这个限制,所以可以设为untrust

arp inspect Rate-Limit:默认所有端口都为 untrust 状态,rate-limit 为 **15 **如果改为ip arp inspect trust ,则没有rate-limit限制, 如果此时(trust)再手动加一条ip arp inspect limit rate 10,则会限制成10 使用no ip arp inspection limit 恢复默认rate-limit限制

Switch(config)# errdisable detect	
! Enables per-VLAN error-disable detection.
cause arp-inspection [action shutdown vlan]
! By default this command is enabled, and when a violation occurs the interface is shutdown.
Switch(config-if)# [no] ip arp inspection limit { rate pps [ burst interval second] | none}
! rate none == no limit burst interval [1 - 15]
Switch(config)# errdisable recovery cause arp-inspection    
! 启用arp-errdis后恢复
Switch(config)# errdisable recovery interval interval
! 设置恢复时间,默认recovery关闭,recovery间隔300s

可以采用errdisable recovery自动恢复接口,或者shutdown ,no shutdown手 动恢复接口。

Mar 1 00:40:13.696: %SW_DAI-4-DHCP_SNOOPING_DENY: 2 Invalid ARPs (Res) on Fa1/0/1, vlan 1.([e0cb.4e1a.5db5/
*Mar 1 00:40:14.249: %SW_DAI-4-PACKET_BURST_RATE_EXCEEDED: 32 packets received in 15 seconds on Fa1/0/1.
*Mar 1 00:40:14.249: %PM-4-ERR_DISABLE: arp-inspection error detected on Fa1/0/1, putting Fa1/0/1 in err-disable state
*Mar 1 00:40:14.702: %SW_DAI-4-DHCP_SNOOPING_DENY: 1 Invalid ARPs (Res) on Fa1/0/1, vlan 1.([e0cb.4
Switch#e1a.5db5/ UTC Mon Mar 1 1993])
*Mar 1 00:40:15.256: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface FastEthernet1/0/1,
changed state to down


show mac address-table dynamic 
! 查看和交换机相连的设备mac (需要先ping)
Switch#show ip arp inspection interface 
!查看各接口 trust 状态和包限制数

Switch#show ip arp inspection interface
 Interface        Trust State     Rate (pps)    Burst Interval
 ---------------  -----------     ----------    --------------
 Fa1/0/1          Untrusted               15                 1
 Fa1/0/2          Trusted               None               N/A
 Fa1/0/3          Untrusted                4                 1
 Fa1/0/4          Untrusted               15                 1

Switch#show ip arp inspection statistics
 Vlan      Forwarded        Dropped     DHCP Drops      ACL Drops
 ----      ---------        -------     ----------      ---------
    1            145            229             75            154

 Vlan   DHCP Permits    ACL Permits  Probe Permits   Source MAC Failures
 ----   ------------    -----------  -------------   -------------------
    1              0            145              0                     0

 Vlan   Dest MAC Failures   IP Validation Failures   Invalid Protocol Data
 ----   -----------------   ----------------------   ---------------------
    1                   0                        0                       0

Switch#show ip arp inspection vlan 1
Source Mac Validation      : Disabled
Destination Mac Validation : Disabled
IP Address Validation      : Disabled

 Vlan     Configuration    Operation   ACL Match          Static ACL
 ----     -------------    ---------   ---------          ----------
    1     Enabled          Active      bl                 No

 Vlan     ACL Logging      DHCP Logging      Probe Logging
 ----     -----------      ------------      -------------
    1     Deny             Deny              Off    

show interface vlan 1
查看 vlan 的mac

4. 设备发现攻击

  1. 利用协议分析器检查CDP包,获取设备详细信息

可获取IOS version,vtp domain-name

#show cdp neibor detail

sw(config)#no cdp run

sw(config-if)#no cdp enable



switchport port-security
switchport port-security maximum 1
! 该端口只允许一个mac接入

switchport port-security violation [ protect /shutdown/restrict ]
! *protect 原接入设备不受影响,新设备无法接入*
! *restrict 新计算机可以接入,但警告*
switchport port-security mac-address [ 0019.5535.b828/sticky ]
show mac-address-table

R1(config)#int g0/0

接口因为错误而被关闭后。非法设备移除后,在 f0/1 接口下,执行shutdownno shutdown命令可以重新打开该接口。

6.traffic Storm-Control (traffic suppression)

基于接口的广播/组播/单播 流量限制

interface fastethernet0/1
 strom-control broadcast/multicast/unicast level 0-100/bps(bit per second)/pps(packets per second)
 strom-control broadcast level 50

! 2k 为限制速率。50为百分比
! bps byte per second
! pps packets per second


使用 trap 表示发送 SNMP trap 消息

config-if)#strom-control action shutdown/trap